
UNIMA: World Puppetry Day Video Project Call

20 12 2023

UNIMA proposes each year a video project to be realized individually or through workshops with children. This proposal is sent all over the world and all the videos are edited to be broadcast on the 21st of March! Here are some previous montages!

The theme for 2024 is The Climate. Read more HERE. We call upon you all to submit video sequences between 15 to 30 seconds (filmed horizontally) of your training courses, creations, shows, workshops, constructions, drawings, scenography, animations. Feel free to invite students in schools, recreation centres, theatres, and workshops to participate. Your contributions will be associated with all those we will have received to make a great video that will be broadcasted by all on World Puppet Day!
Send your file (maximum 30 seconds) no later than February 15, 2024 via a file transfer site (WeTransfer, Sendit, Dropbox, etc) to the following address: